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Blood Bags

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Blood Bags

Blood bags manufactured by JMS have a long and laudable reputation for reliability, superior product quality and assurance.

Product features
  • Quality you can trust: Conformance to ISO 13485, EN 46001, CE Certified
  • New Design Collection Bags: Smooth Transfer of Blood Components
  • JMS Hallmark in needle sharpness: Minimal Pain and Trauma to Donors
  • Choice of Anticoagulant Solution: Superior Red Blood Cell Viability up to 42 Days
  • Speciality bag for Platelet Storage: excellent gas permeable bag for platelet storage up to 5 days
  • Integrated closed-system blood collection system 
  • Flexibility in products configurations

Product features

  • State-of-the-Art Collection, Filtration and Storage
  • Excellent Post Filtration Plasma Recovery
  • Highly Efficient Removal of Leukocytes from Whole Blood
  • User-Friendly, Safe and Fast Handling of System with In-line filters
  • High Red Cell Viability for 42 days Storage
  • High Plasma Yield
  • Flexible Choice of In-Line System
Product features
  • A primary bag containing anti-coagulant CPDA-1(Citrate-Phosphate-Dextrose-Adenine) which preserves red blood cells up to 35 days
  • Available in Single/Double/Triple bag configuration

Cord Blood Bags are designed to collect the maximum amount of umbilical cord blood stem cells during and after the birth of the baby, within the shortest time and minimal risk of contamination.

Product features
  • Tubing Compatible with Sterile Device Connection to Maintain sterility and a closed system
  • Built-in DMSO extension for micro-infusion and air-assisted extraction for clean extraction of precious system cells
  • Special Size Tubing with Double Functions
  • Volume of Anticoagulant (157 ml) specially tailored for cord blood collection
  • Integrated Blood Sampling Bag (BSB) for convenient and contamination free sampling
  • Integrated Sampling Port for ease of blood sampling by direct connection with vacutainer for blood analysis
  • Attached Needle Protector to ensure safe blood collection
  • Special Bag Design to enhance the dispersion of DMSO
  • Polymeric labels for ease of cleaning and water tolerance
  • Integrated Soft Snap Connector which is compatible with all ISO connectors
  • Individual Retort and Aluminium Laminated Packing to minimize contamination and improve usage convenience

The system consists of a primary bag containing anticoagulant CPD solution and one satellite bag containing SAGM (saline-adenine-glucose-mannitol) red cell preservation solution.

Product features
  • Superior red blood cell viability for 42 days storage
  • Increased plasma yield
  • Red blood cell flow property comparable to whole blood
  • Platelet storage for up to 5 days
  • Available in Double/Triple bags
  • JMS T-BEX (Top and Bottom Extraction) System provides greater efficacy to the separation of blood components after centrifugation process. It is common for blood banks to use automatic processing machines to standardize and save manual labor in the extraction of quality Red Blood Cell, Plasma and Platelets from collected Whole Blood.

    Product features

    • Designed to be compatible and adapt easily with most commercially available automatic extractors
    • T-BEX System has the optional availability of pre-attached blood sampling port and needle protector for improved safety and flexibility
    • Available as quadruple bags

For transferring blood /blood components from primary source for-

  • Aliquoting (sub-dividing) units into transfusion size
  • For further processing of the components
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